Butler said : “Authority intoxicates,
And makes mere sots of magistrates.
The fumes of it invade the brain,
And make men giddy, proud and vain;
By this, the fool commands the wise,
The noble with the base complies.
The sot assumes the rule of wit,
And the cowards make the base submit”.
When the Almighty created Adam, he gave him and his descendants freedom of choice, freedom of will and freedom of action. He handed Adam the task to rule this world, but Adam, because of his pride, incompetence and limited knowledge, goofed royally, and since then, he did not rest, nor his descendants will ever see rest. As a result of his expulsion, he caused the institution of the first Proletariat. Over the centuries, rulers came and rulers went, and we read about the chiefs, emperors, czars, conquerors, kings and queens, and each, to this day, have left a famous or infamous legacy. In the last few centuries, many rules, regimes and kingdoms disappeared and new ideologies, systems and philosophies displaced those of yesteryears, but, nonetheless, simulated, to great extent, the precedents with old new terminology, interpretation and application, armed with new slogans and powerful media.
For the sake of truth and justice, I do not intend to throw the baby with the bathwater, but review of the political misnomers every contemporary regime, clique, coterie and factions harangue with and march behind, one instantly can realize the gross injustice imposed on the populaces of this world, be it through democratic Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Radicalism, Fundamentalism, Liberalism, Conservatism and Progressivism or through chartered regimes, who expound particular political ideologies and expand on those ideologies to claim to have the upper hand as well as the better solutions to human miseries, and elevated themselves far above and beyond the other regimes’ atrocities and violations of human rights. Ultimately, the delirious citizens of those countries still naively believe it is greener on the other side.
Since Democracies are pluralistic and adopt mainly multi cadre parties, two heads and more are better than one, in contrast, dictatorships are monolithic and embrace a sole party philosophy, thus imposing on the masses whatever that one head determine the parameters of the national policy. One should bear in mind that the few countries, who have adopted democratic rules and constantly endeavor to abide by their by-laws and application, they are far from being perfect, but they are haven compared to those cliques, factions and coteries of rulers, who claim to have democratic regimes, for publicity purposes rather than for application practice. The irony remains that 45% of those rulers have used somehow a wacky fraudulent process to be democratically elected, and the other 50 % through prearranged and fixed mock elections, revolution, coups d’etat, occupation , guerrilla warfare, etc.
In quick review of the regimes ruling in our times, you would readily acknowledge, for instance, that Cuba and China did not learn a lesson from their only master and mentor: Russia, who crumbled when they could no more sell their morphine and lies to the people. Take Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Chili, Philippines and others, who experienced coup d’etat under the pretense and pretext that the monarchical rule is hereditary and non-efficient, and a presidential regime will serve better the people. The same rulers or their parties are still ruling, conducting mock elections, while preparing their sons to succeed them. Tribal factions and Military elite dictate successive coup d’etat, under the same pretenses. Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Tibet are so-called theocracies, presumably based on a Holy Book rules, yet the faithful people do not approve of those regimes. South America and Africa are two continents of pregnant political volcanoes. Divergent political situation dictated and still dictate the colors of those cliques.
The adage ” Divide and you will surely rule “, is most appropriate to reflect the perfect national and global policies of our rulers, and as long as those ruthless rulers continue to experiment on the political arena their theoretical philosophies, mythological ideologies and self-serving strategies, the people of this world will remain restless.
Charles De Gaulle once said ” How do you expect me to please everyone in France when France has over 240 kinds of cheeses and believe in over 200 kinds of mushrooms” , but the fact remains, Mr. De Gaulle, and all the rulers of this world, God gave us the choice and no one should be a ruling despot. If you were chosen by the people, you were chosen to serve the people and their aspirations, and look after their welfare and protect their civil liberties and well being.
All through the years, great kingdoms came, tried for a while to invent the wheel anew with some modifications, succeeded for a season, but ultimately tumbled when the same wheel functioned poorly as soon as the rubber hit the road. Everybody, to this day, claim to have found the perfect rule, but it remains yet to be seen where the government would be from the People, for the all the people, accountable for the people, nevertheless, once on the chair, it becomes an echoless song.
In the light of the prevailing patterns and the schools, I think it is about time to remind ourselves of those regimes and their functions to fit the sad reality and grasp the archaic notion of the tragedy :
ARISTOCRATISM : Mistaking a wolf for a dog, and a prostitute for a Madonna.
AUTHORITARIANISM : Justified powers carried out by incompetents and villains.
AUTOCRATISM : Despot with evil imagination armed with absolute powers.
BUREAUCRATISM : Lazy bums and honest thieves exploiting fellow humans.
BOURGEOIS(M) : Hopeful imitators of and executioners for the aristocracy.
CAPITALISM : What’s mine is mine, the more the better, after me the deluge.
COLONIALISM : Abusers’ friendly of dignity, hospitality and resources.
COMMONWEALTH : Tribal dominance with nothing in common but the name.
COMMUNISM : One for all and all for one reserved for oligarchy.
DEMOCRATISM : Verbal, if exercised, reward will be sociopolitical suicide.
DICTATORIALISM : Devil in game of Russian Roulette with real bullets no blanks.
DYNASTIC (ISM) : Incestuous breeding. Constant bowing breaks backs.
FASCISM : Masquerade of right wing forerunners of supremacism.
FEDERALISM : Apples with oranges, plants with weeds with hope of harmony.
IMPERIALISM : Sumptuous display of global domination and expansionism.
JUNTA (ISM) : Petty officers and generals disguised in civilian clothes.
MILITARISM : Charlatans who believe the grey mare is the better horse.
MINISTERIALISM : Cheerleaders entertaining and applauding the big boss.
MONARCHISM : Every inch a king who legitimately steal from faithful subjects.
MONOCRATISM : Lunatic, who believe God created him and broke the mold.
NATIONALISM : Loyalty to the political stepmother more than the original mother.
NAZISM : Malignant & deadly cancer par excellence.
PARLIAMENTARISM : Gala banquets and ceremonial parties are the soup du jour.
PRESIDENTIALISM : Somehow chewable temporary dictatorship with smiling faces.
PROLETARIANISM : Adam caused it and humanity still subscribe to it.
SOCIALISM : As your brother’s keeper, what’s yours is mine.
THEOCRATISM : Holier than thou, What is missing is the Almighty God.
TOTALITARIANISM : Another name for demons’ justified rule and intransigence.