This is the deplorable tragedy that America is experiencing these days, forgetting who she is and what she was, and drifting into supersonic roller coaster towards oblivion. This may sound dramatic and alarming, but let me take you on a journey that does not require a lot of your time and review, with me, a synopsis of the concerns an owner employer should have seeing his empire falter.
America became a beacon of hope and greatness because our forefathers realized that they represent the people and that they are employed by the people, and with that spirit, they wrote the constitution, bearing in mind first and foremost the people’s welfare and well being, prosperity and advancement, liberty and equality, and they have assumed the role of attorney, who prepares the by-laws of an enterprise armed with the codes of law, and in our case, the laws of Almighty God.
God endowed this country of ours with all the resources needed to make it so great, and it is quite safe to recognize it as the greatest, since it has the potpourri of brains, muscles and bodies. It glorifies itself in the beautiful mixture of global cultures, expertise and resourcefulness. Every American that is nationally or internationally recognized for his or her achievements, contributions and inventions, is an immigrant, whose forefathers or him/herself originally came from one of this world’s nations.
America stayed a leader and a force, to be reckoned with, by subscribing to the foresight of our forefathers, the real founders and forerunners of this great nation, and cherished their struggle for independence and liberty for all, thus creating a haven, where:
*The presidency was patriotic, reverent, unwavered and uninfluenced.
* The politicians and legislators worked hard to improve and protect life for all,
* The military was, beside decoration and medals and victories, crowned with integrity, patriotism and valiance.
* The doors for all oppressed were wide open to land in this great country,
* Abundance, hospitality and benevolence made it the land of opportunity,
* Honesty, chivalry, morals, and decency were the norms not the exception,
* Every life, the born and the unborn, the able and the disabled, was sacred,
America today lacks the base, the substance and the drive that made it great, and substituted the ethical with the immoral, the sacred with the sacrilege, the workers with the bureaucrats, and the government by the people for the people with the government of anarchist politicians, who are more concerned about what the president had for supper than to serve the American public.
What happened to America The Beautiful ? What happened to America the Accountable ? What happened to America The caring Mother ? What happened to America The Light of the World? What happened to America the pioneer in education, in human rights and human dignity ?
It is obvious that the preacher who does not live by what he preaches gets no followers, because he lost his leadership by failing to be the roll model and his sanctuary and coffers will soon be empty. How can Americans get jailed, penalized and severely punished, should they miss up their accounting and they are required to keep a diary, receipts, proofs and evidences, and meet deadlines, yet their representatives in government, who are supposedly expert, write checks that bounce and can not even balance the budget, I guess, the simple answer it is not that easy, because of lack of BI-partisan agreements. Mind you, we pay them to do nothing and they keep voting on one extension after another, postponing it until doomsday.
They brag about balancing the budget, camouflaging the gab between harsh reality and publicity stunts, diverting, misappropriating, commingling and funneling the funds of one agency to another. How can the government, employee of the people, explain what happens to the extra dollars specifically collected, by the Federal Highway Trust Fund, as federal gas tax, which as of 1993 reached the rate of 18.3 cents on every gallon, the increase of 4.3 cents was solely intended for repairing and maintaining our deteriorating roads and bridges, but instead they were used for deficit reduction. The same happened to Social Security Trust Fund, etc.
60% of our roads and bridges infrastructure are in urgent need of repair or replacement; since 1993, the 4.3 cents increase has provided around 5 billion dollars per year, and if this money was applied, as intended, our roads and bridges would have been in better shape, but our government employees preferred to keep about 20 billion dollars dormant to reflect a positive plus on the government ledger.
This political adaptation and maneuvering deprive the constituents owners of this nation of better and safer roads as well as rob them of work opportunities; repairing and maintaining roads and bridges is one of the most significant singlest national caterpillars in creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, in re-jumping the industrial manufacturing, in providing better prosperity and living standards, in confirming shareholders peace of mind together with job security, and ultimately in the rebuilding of a healthier more productive America.
Which enterprise that you know of compensate employees for doing nothing, for stealing openly, for mocking the system, for breaking the laws, evidently they will go out of business, and our America is going out of business.
Where in the world employees of an enterprise take the liberty to use company’s money without consulting the owner employer ? The people of America are the owner employer and no employee, no matter how high he ranks, has the right to waste money, wealth and livelihood of the Americans without their consent. Those employees are not only wasting our money, but have the audacity to look us in the eye and levy more taxes, to cover for their negligence, ignorance and expenditures. It seems to me they are holding us hostages, and raising taxes is some form of employees’ strike against the owner employer, who in our case, stands helpless, thus reluctantly and obediently comply.
Politicians can argue that they all are elected officials, mandated by the people, and their repeated re-elections are only indication of the satisfaction their constituents have. Unfortunately, the majority of you are elected and re-elected because of power struggle between the two mainstream parties through the loyalty of the party members, and the amount of monies raised and spent.
The real Americans, nowadays, who still honestly and wholeheartedly pledge allegiance to one Flag of the United States, without interference of color, ethnicity, party affiliation, power struggle, except that of all Americans, do not vote, because they are disgusted with the process, the system and the empty promises. The election turn outs is your solid proof.
Freedom of the press is wonderful and very much needed, but when enough is enough ? If the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press were equipped with today’s technologies, America and the Allies will not win the war.
Everybody has the right to life, to freedom, to protection, to advancement, to education, to peace of mind, to jobs and opportunities, to adequate housing and shelter, but where in the world a tiny group of people, mostly 2 % plus 5 % cheerleaders, claiming the right to legally kill, such as in abortion and gun sales, or the right to promiscuously live, such in the gay movement and sexual harassment, or the right to blindly discriminate, such as in KKK and supremacist factions, or the right to illegally assemble, such as in Nazism, Communism and Fascism, or the right to openly defy, such as in Mafia and gangs, and the right to mismanage, such as in banks and big monopolies, and the list goes on.
When the banks, Insurance companies and other regulated institutions, which became insolvent or bankrupted, where were the representative government, who are employed and were paid to monitor all those establishments and prevent such occurrences.
Citizens with the help of some doctors are robbing the Welfare and SSI systems with billions of dollars, and the authority claim to be short on auditors, investigators and monitors. If the cow happens to fall by accident, then the vultures will attack.
You are innocent until proven guilty, it is wonderful, decent and noble; but before the ink of your arrest dries, for being a suspect or witness, the media already convicted you, and dug your great grandfather’s grave, and scattered his remains with the four winds. Followed like sheep by the government, who love to be in the limelight and whose statements lately are more of a quote from the media than their investigation. The televised courts became multicolored multifaceted circuses of so-called experts witnesses, display of latest fashion, notoriety and futility.
If you travel outside this country, you will be amazed of the number of successful foreigners who graduated from American Colleges and Universities, and the education the way it should be ended with the baby boomers of this country. Lately, education has become another bleeding thorn in the flesh of this dying nation. Is it possible that the whole world, who mostly copied the American curricula and maintained them until today, has gone wrong, and now American has invented itself once more to graduate kids, who do not know how to read, fail math, and complain that they have a lot to learn. What happen to America that created and prepared the greatest brains of this world, and transformed the face and destiny of this world through the strength of over 200 years of existence based on the solid education and loyalty and pride of its citizens ? What happen to the right of equal opportunity of education for all, the privileged and the underprivileged? What happened to the reverence for the teaching faculties ? What happened to competition and excellence?
We decided to become falling leaders, and we substituted the good with the ugly by distracting students with the introduction of condoms and sexual education, we brought them toys in the form of computers to facilitate their homework, we lessened the volume of their homework, no or little home assignments. We emphasized their rights to be protected from their parents’ loving and necessary discipline. We encouraged them how to disrespect teachers and elders.
We stole their thunders and initiatives, their desire and aspiration, their application and adaptation, their hand work and ambition, and we are preparing them to be bums and irresponsible, gang organizers and recruiters, with heavy machinery and artilleries, drug users and dealers, law-breakers and murderers, and we introduced them to a new realm called : babies having babies. Finally we have given them a loaded gun and declared them worthy to handle it. Over 200 years of excellent schooling, safe schooling, productive schooling, model schooling and strict schooling are now old fashion and change is good. How good is it, our contemporary and innovative government knows better !?!?
We should focus on what unite us and overcome the tri-dimentional hostilities of bigotry, hypocrisy and double standards caused by the scattered jigsaw puzzle our genius politicians have created.
To be a true American is not a birth or citizenship certificate, be it a citizenship by birth or by choice, or who came first to this land, it’s a calling, a privilege and a full time job in the collective pursuit of unity, happiness and prosperity for one and all, for the poor and burdened as well as the rich and well off.
My plea that the remaining 93 % of the silent majority shareholders of our America would wake up soon, and claim back their rightful inheritance in their America the Beautiful, and fire the corrupt politicians, and incarcerate the outlaws and law-breakers, who almost finish drafting our obituary.