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Old Fashion Faith!?!

What happened to the old-fashion faith?

When we look at all the calamities befallen our world, be it devastating hurricanes, tsunamis, torrential rains, unbearable heat waves, or global conflicts and wars, our belief in the Almighty God is outmoded, passé and sometime, now a day, is obsolete.

God created us free, but religion in his name did bondage us. His goons are torturing instead of nurturing us, dividing instead of uniting us. God became our scapegoat and bull’s-eye.  God is reduced to a tool of terror, hatred and mass murdering. Like the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, He became a predatory beast who spews out fire and water to punish his ungrateful naughty creatures. God is a monster warrior who is favoring one religion over another, and finally a God who forgot and negated on His promise not to devastate the earth as He did in Noah’s time.

Then, who is to really blame? For a moment, let’s all become deist and pretend that God gave us the tools and the means to live tolerably in peace with ourselves and our neighbors, our earth and seas, our skies and atmosphere, and our environment and ecosystem, and handed us all, not few, the reins of managing this world and our lives. When a catastrophe hits, it does not distinguish between toddler and centenarian, white and black, believer and non-believer, saint and sinner, as God sends His rain on the believers and non-believers alike.

 After reviewing the history of mankind through the yesteryears and over the centuries, we come to realize that, first and foremost, the blame falls on the heads of politicians, who are no more than tribal or party chiefs, followed closely by all the clergy, who turned to be more militant, defiant and belligerent than caring, loving and pious. Those politicians and clergy became walking encyclopedias and information banks of hatred, oppression, retribution and intolerance, thus ushering new and sophisticated calamities, tragedies and annihilation techniques.

The harangues of both politicians and clergy are devoid of any action for reconciliation, rapprochement and tolerance so mankind can survive.  Their actions and reactions are cause for mankind to perish. The purpose of the scientifical unearthing as well as the outcome of the technical and technological discoveries coupled with the insight of the inventions is to improve the quality of life and help usher a more peaceful, healthy and prosperous co-habitation and civility, in brief: a better world made of compassionate philanthropists.

The inventions of all kinds of deadly weapons and arsenals were not God’s inventions. God did not shower down WMD as manna and placed it in the hands of politicians, terrorists, dictators and religious primates. Why should we blame God when our own inventions, greed, power hunger, religiosity and ethnicity dictate the norms for the global destruction through the many elaborate toys in the race for superiority in armament. WMD stands for all kind of Waves of Misery Dooms.

Many consider God’s science and marvels foolishness to the world and label them fairy tales and legends. While science and inventions excelled and helped humanity, many others are now computer glitch for annihilation of humanity. Instead of pointing fingers to God for our failures, shouldn’t we examine our hearts, souls and motives for the lack of compassion, lack of cooperation between nations, lack of tolerance and lack of piety?  Joining me in recoiling and welcome the marvels of human science and inventions. Welcome to the limits of our knowledge, capacity and willingness. Welcome to the lack of compassion and tolerance, and welcome to the most sophisticated elaborate man-made doom and gloom.

The Holy and Good Books say that fear is the beginning of reasoning and that wisdom comes from awfully fearing God.  With which wisdom we deal with each other? With which wisdom, we invent WMDs and create a war arena to test them? With which wisdom we relinquish our godly habits, generous values and noble ethics replacing them with the law of the jungle? With which wisdom we kill innocent unarmed people and call them casualty of conflicts and wars?  With which wisdom we kill those who differ with us in religion, opinion, outlook, and madness?

And finally, with which wisdom we brag and boast of representing God and Allah when we forget that both said loud and clear in a thundering stern command: “Vengeance is Mine” and mine alone? Did politicians, clergies and dictators leave time, space and slot for God to inflict His vengeance?  I do not think so. Then why blame we God for our miseries, our self-inflicted wounds, our staged deaths and our scheme for total annihilation?

I believe God’s vengeance might be more merciful than that of humanoids.  The main core of the Heavenly messages: “Do unto others what you want them to do unto you”, and “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive to those who trespass against us”.  These are golden messages and strong doses of love, peace, co-habitation and tolerance.

If the Devil made politicians, clergies and despots do it, where is God in the equation to be blamed for our shortcomings, intransigence, maliciousness and viciousness?

God’s vengeance and wrath do not come in doses, installments and bouts, as when it comes, it is extreme, irrevocable, total, sweeping and unmitigated, the like of The Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Job’s plight, the confusion at Babel, Samson’s tale, the destruction of the Temple, the ultimate passion of Christ, the annihilation of generations together with the legendary and real tales of lost continents, countries, cities and civilization.

Most of the commotion five years ago about the millennium being the date for the end of the world, was heavily promoted by many deists, atheists and evolutionists, who were first afraid that God will make it pass and prove their theories wrong, and second they were and still are in a dire race with God to destroy this world before Him.

In our spiritual yearning, hunger and thirst,

With a contrite heart and in meekness,

Let us embrace our godly inner soul and self,

And abide in His love and mercy towards one and all,

Like a child, let us go back to our all-fashioned faith,

Let us let God be the one and only Sovereign God


Let us give love and peace a chance.

“I have set My Rainbow in the clouds,

 and it will be the sign of the Covenant

between Me and the Earth” (Gen. 9:13)