Lucky Souls & Butterflies


We praise Your Holy Name

We praise Your Holy Name

For making us born again

Thank you Jesus once again

Lucky souls and butterflies

Spread your wings and go to fly

Go high in the skies

He promised us His Paradise

Jesus waiting His Allies

Lucky souls and butterflies

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again


We praise Your Holy Name

We praise Your Holy Name

For making us born again

Thank you Jesus once again


Lucky Souls and Butterflies

Praise Him with loud cry            

His Blessings multiply        

He’s the only *Adonai        

He’s alone *El Shadai        

Lucky souls and butterflies

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again

We’re both born again


*Adonai  = Hebrew word for Lord   *Al-Shadai = Hebrew word for All-sufficient