Love Is Never Silent

With each day is one more test
As to bring out love’s very best,
With each night is one more rest
In the beloved warm embrace nest.

Love is loud in lungs and chest,
Pang of longing and beau jest;
Bells ringing the love contest,
Echoes heard from Mount Everest.

With love we play host and guest,
Whispering words swapped with zest;
Magic slap on the dormant wrist,
Hailed jolt against cardiac arrest.

Words are love’s honored crest,
With them, the romance keeps abreast;
Love welcomes the sweet gabfest,
Long dormant in the lover’s breast.

Lips and mouth do serve the twist,
With kisses, words are greatly blest;
Magic weaves the kindling whist,
So love sails setting up the tryst.