I’m thoughtful of your kindness
Gleaming as your brightest beauty;
My heart awoke of his numbness
With a sense of awe and duty.
I’m grateful for your closeness,
And the warmth it often brought;
My whole being thus rejoices,
Since after you, my spirit sought.
I’m mindful of the love,
You bestow each ‘n every day;
My soul is overflowing
Each time, your name I say.
I’m thankful for your feelings
woven greatly as a masterpiece,
My body short of ever keeling,
But with love you hold the lease.
I’m watchful of the seasons,
You decorate with such a flair,
Embodying some million reasons,
For the love and the life to share.
I’m heedful of the danger,
That might impasse our trail,
Yet our union grew stronger,
In pursuit of love, we shall not fail.