Flesh & Bones

They said a stone may never meet another stone,

In, fact, some are quite different, some are clones,

But humans will meet always their very own,

Because the Good Lord created them flesh and bones.


They asked me to describe my sweetheart,

I paused and wondered where to even start;

I told them proudly: in you God’s work of art

Manifested piercing my heart with cupid dart.


If only I can describe love in few words:

It is the sensation of the songs of birds,

It is that special glow feeling kept inwards,

It’s God’s Gift but no study for the nerds.


My dearest dear is as sweet as a white dove,

So graceful, the Lord made her from above,

Her face is charming and radiating true love,

Her pose is sexy and her moves make me to rove.


Her lips are burning with exploding desire,

Her hips are lean and fit for any attire,

Her breasts round and young shooting fire,

My heart was wholly captured ready for hire.


Her silhouette body is the temple of beauty,

Her slim legs are pillars of marble afooty,

Her big black eyes wide open but yet sleepy,

I surrender in honor and report to her duty.


She has stolen my heart and dwelled my soul,

Her touch is sweetened from the balsam bowl,

She renewed me declaring me her absolute sole,

I’m lucky to have her love and assume my role.