Without you, gone the dried flowers,
Cluttered in dark clouds.
Throned regally on the high towers,
Of you I am proud.
Audible hum of love held in climax,
Of a sexy and sleek gal.
Her love levied on me toll and tax,
But I am always her pal.
Vividly happy, outgoing and romantic,
The hope of every fan.
Cutely passionate, sensuous and erotic,
Desired by every man.
Your beauty slick, perky and bubbly,
Enticed my inner soul.
Though rowdy, provocative and deadly,
My heart did console.
Lips so supple, smooth and satiny,
The hair with bobs and bangs.
The body suave in all its vanity,
My lusting eye, on it, hangs.
My hand cuddling her darting breasts
Triggered intimacy.
The heart jolted after cardiac arrests
In voluptuous ecstasy.
Browsing spontaneous amorous desires,
For her irresistible appeal.
Gorgeous, luscious setting me on fires,
Marking me with her seal.
She welcomed me with a sea of kisses,
With crooning melodies.
I splurged exploring her body finesses,
In multiple therapies.
Glimpses of her, naked, dressed in glory,
Thrilled my throbbing heart.
The encounter is already seared in memory,
Until death do us part.
Fragment of a happy dream singing on high
My true love for you.
Dancing along to every nuance of your sigh
I blurted: “I LOVE YOU!