A Starry Night

It was a starry night
At the hour we have met,
The skies in their height,
Filling our hearts with zest.

It was a starry night
Zillions of diamonds,
All sparkling so bright,
Cheer love tiny wagon.

It was a starry night
With a soul-warming stroll,
With surge of joy at sight,
As heavens read love scrolls.

It was a starry night
That portrayed tender touch,
Flashing around lights,
As led by the Lord’s brush.

It was a starry night
When angels sang with joy,
Praising the Lord’s Might,
Love set sail with no decoy.

It was a starry night
With the glare hanging low,
Twinkling pearls right
On us standing below.

It was a starry night
To the tune of shofars,
Casting out foe’s blight,
Warming the heart so far.

It was a starry night
Our love was enthroned,
The king won the right,
And to the queen’s heart sewn.

It was a starry night
We traveled miles far,
Led by your bright light,
Following your lone star.

It was a starry night
Yet winter’s cold embrace,
Our love led the fight,
And we both won the race.

It was a starry night
That fills the realms of earth,
And keep our hearts right
For eternal rebirth.

It was a starry night
When vows we exchanged,
With passion no fright,
The Lord so well arranged.

It’s a starry night
As I renew my pledge
I’ll honor love rites
And keep building its bridge.

It’s a joyful date,
To celebrate th’ event,
Love was never late,
For you were God sent.