The Eyes Are The Door

The eyes are the door through which we see the world, it does not necessarily reflect the eyes of our minds, but it surely portrays the characters of our hearts, wills, instincts and feelings. Although humans share with the animal kingdom certain characteristics, the eyes will always remain the screen through which we express our tendency, moods, and feelings, dart our desires, joys and sorrows communicating with and to each other in baring our souls:

THE KIND : Makes of wolf a lamb
THE BEAUTIFUL : Makes of silence eloquence
THE DREAMY : Makes of goals persistent ambition
THE ATTENTIVE : Makes of impatience forbearance
THE ENRAGED : Makes stars at noon be seen
THE ANGRY : Makes of beauty a beast
THE SEDUCTIVE : Makes of love lust
THE AMOROUS : Flashes love and happiness
THE HUNGRY : Screams for human compassion
THE GREEDY : Giving a waste and taking an earned right
THE ENVIOUS : Confirms inferiority & laziness
THE COVETOUS : Always greener on the other side
THE SAD : Pierces into heart for consolation
THE EVIL : Makes of Satan an angel
THE DECEITFUL : Reflects treacherous self
THE FORGIVING : Shows self-generosity & self-giving
THE SMILING : Infuses balsam into heart
THE CHILDISH : Couples innocence with purity.
THE CUNNING : Breathes intrigues & traps
THE STONED : Portrays sorrow, woe or being lost
THE AMAZED : Expresses unbelief & awe
THE FELINE : Embodies sensuousness & voluptuousness
THE CHAMELEON : Emphasizes inconsistency & moods
THE RED : Sign of illness or catastrophe
THE BLIND : Swings between ignorance & naïveté
THE JADED : Imparts coldness & frigidity
THE INSOLENT : Brags of shamelessness and immorality
THE SLEEPY : Preludes seduction to romance
The INQUISITIVE : Probes for answers due to curiosity
THE BIG : Transmits charm and beauty.